It’s not the end of the world . . . just yet.

People keep asking me if Jesus is coming back soon. Personally, I’m counting on that to happen, but to be honest, God hasn’t invited me into the morning briefings to discuss His timing of future events. I guess my short answer is, I don’t think so. The world has gone through more difficult things previouslyContinue reading “It’s not the end of the world . . . just yet.”

Watching, Not Waiting

We look to the character of God so that we have a firm foundation to stand on when all around us is crumbling. Join us each week as we walk through the Book of Acts together.

Time To Quite Complaining

We spend so much time on wasted words. It’s so easy to think of the negative rather than the positive. Complaining is our default mechanism because of our sin nature. We can learn to quit on complaining by analyzing our complaining habits. Join us as we walk through Philippians 2 together.

Quit Making Excuses

You don’t need to keep making excuses, because no one cares how good your excuses are. Jesus tells a story in Luke 14 where people give excuses instead of coming to the Master’s banquet. He is saying that our excuses have no place in the Kingdom of God. In order to grow in faith, we need to quit making excuses.

Battling With The Dark Side

Don’t take this one on alone. You need God’s spiritual authority to defeat the enemy. Many people don’t believe the devil and his demons even exist, but the Scriptures clearly teach that evil was cast out of people, Jesus came to defeat the power of death and Satan, and we can be free from the dominion of darkness.