Watching, Not Waiting

We look to the character of God so that we have a firm foundation to stand on when all around us is crumbling. Join us each week as we walk through the Book of Acts together.

The Death of Contentment

Comparison is a killer. It kills your joy, it kills relationships, it kills marriages, it kills your purposes in the world.

We Have To Quit Living By Fear

Fear grows when we give it power. You no longer need to be afraid. Stand courageous before the Lord and let His grace empower you.

Do All Roads Lead To God?

Some people think all roads lead to God. Some people think that since Jesus died, everyone is automatically saved. Some people think all religions are the same and all roads lead to God. Who’s right, and how do we know who is right?

Spiritual Warfare; Angels Watching Over Me

We don’t often recognize the work of angels, but they watch over the children of God more often than we realize. Join us as we talk about the reality of angels in the spiritual realm.

3 Famous Last Words; “He Is Risen”

We talk about the famous last words of John the Baptist, of Jesus, of the women and of the Great Commission. Don’t miss this Easter special.

Identity Theft: When You’re Just Not Good Enough

Sometimes we feel inadequate to accomplish the calling God has for us, in our own power, but with God’s power, we can do everything in Christ. Join us for a lesson in what God thinks of you.

Marriage Matters; Never Giving Up

What does it take to make your marriage count for the long haul? How do you commit to one another for a healthy marriage that will reap a harvest? We look into the context of Galatians 6, reaping and sowing for your marriage, and discover together the gift of faithfulness that will last. Join us for this refreshing look into covenant fidelity.

Marriage Matters; Having Some Fun

You can work as hard as you want to make things right, but you have to have some fun together once in a while. Don’t neglect the joy in relationships. Don’t get too busy with the scheduling, the parenting, the managing of the home that you forget to make things fun together. Fun is not a luxury, it is a necessity in a healthy marriage.