It’s not the end of the world . . . just yet.

People keep asking me if Jesus is coming back soon. Personally, I’m counting on that to happen, but to be honest, God hasn’t invited me into the morning briefings to discuss His timing of future events. I guess my short answer is, I don’t think so. The world has gone through more difficult things previouslyContinue reading “It’s not the end of the world . . . just yet.”

You Reap What You Sow

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. – Galatians 6:7 NIV I gotta be real honest here. I’ve always been afraid of this verse in the Bible. Maybe it comes from my childhood church denomination, where somehow, I learned that God would smite me, or strike me withContinue reading “You Reap What You Sow”

Why Is Unity So Difficult?

Crossroads Church of Greeley, Colorado Pastor Reid Olson of Crossroads Church of Greeley teaches on John 17. Jesus’ final prayer for the 12 disciples, included a prayer for you and me “those who will believe in their message”. The prayer of Jesus included a plea for unity “oneness” among those with faith, so thatContinue reading “Why Is Unity So Difficult?”