Don’t Squander Opportunities (Acts 24)

I wonder if you’re more like the Apostle Paul with people, or more like Governor Felix? Felix only listened when it was convenient. Are you like this?

Keep Your Focus On Jesus (Acts 23)

What are some of the hurdles in faith that you can’t seem to overcome? Do you have obstacles in your life, self-inflicted, or otherwise, that keep you from enjoying the grace of God. Join us as we talk about legalism and overcoming the obstacles of our faith.

What Is Your S.T.O.R.Y. & Why Does It Matter? (Acts 22)

We learn to start at the very beginning, tell the truth about your past, offer your life to God, reject your stinking thinking, and your story isn’t for you, anyways. Join us as we learn how to share our testimony of faith with others.

The Joy of Trials (Acts 14)

What do you do when you face opposition? What is your way of working through trials in your life? Do you give up, and quit, or do you muster up the faith, and continue forward?

Don’t Neglect Leadership; Acts 6

How do you choose people to hire in your company? How do you represent yourself when seeking employment? These leadership events that occurred in Acts 6 are enlightening enough to our faith, that they model Godly character for us to live by.

Ground Level Friends

Pastor Reid Olson of Crossroads Church of Greeley teaches on a new sermon series on “friending”. We need one another. We need to be real, open, vulnerable, and present with one another. What does it take to get to this level with people in your life? Join us for a new series on friendships, andContinue reading “Ground Level Friends”