How We Overcome Apathy

Pastor Reid Olson of Crossroads Church of Greeley teaches on the evils of apathy, within each of us.

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Sometimes we get caught up thinking that our little bit of faith is not enough to change the world. Sometime we think we need to solve EVERYTHING, so we miss out on being a solution in one small thing. We can even post about things we hear around the world, and yet not even be involved in helping our neighbor. How would you have heard the parable of the Good Samaritan back in the day when Jesus told this lawyer how to love his neighbor? What kind of response does it call out in you? Are you an apathetic person regarding your faith?

Not What You Expected

Pastor Reid Olson of Crossroads Church of Greeley teaches on the surprise at the resurrection of Jesus.


We forget that Jesus appeared to women first, at the empty tomb, not to the men. We forget that the first evangelists of the resurrection of Jesus were women, not men. We come to this scene in the Bible and we bring our expectations to it, since we’re removed from it by 2000 years, but if we put ourselves in the scene, our expectations wouldn’t match what really happened. Join us as we visit the scene of Jesus’ resurrection and see that God does so much more than we could expect or even imagine. HAPPY EASTER 2019.

Do You Know What Time It Is?

Pastor Reid Olson of Crossroads Church of Greeley teaches on the Palm Sunday.


Luke 19 in the Gospels, is a description of how Jesus the Messiah walked from the Mount of Olives to the city of Jerusalem with people praising him as God. He rode on a donkey which had never been ridden on, and people worshiped Jesus as God. The religious leaders wanted Jesus to rebuke his followers for singing to him. He refused. Then Jesus told them they missed out on the work of God because they didn’t notice the time of God’s coming. Do you know what time it is? Have you recognized the timing of God, to send Jesus to earth as a ransom for your soul. God has made a way to know himself, through Jesus, His only Son. Don’t miss out on the timing of God in your life. Don’t let pride get in the way of you recognizing God’s salvation.

Permission to Say “NO”

Pastor Reid Olson of Crossroads Church of Greeley teaches on the Sabbath Principle from Exodus 20.

Screen Shot 2019-04-09 at 3.10.13 PMHave you ever thought of the 10 Commandments as a gift? God wanted the former 400 years of slavery in Egypt to be removed from His peoples’ thinking, so God gave them a Sabbath Principle. Remember the Sabbath day, and make it holy. How do you remember the Sabbath day in your life? And, how do you make it holy unto God? Do you have sabbath practices that break your chains of slavery? What are you enslaved to in your life? Cookies, caffeine, sugar, shopping, entertainment and even working can become a slave driver in our lives, I know that even ministry (heaven forbid) can become an idol for me. This week we want you to learn to rest, and trust that the God who made you doesn’t make mistakes, and He wants you to rest in Jesus and trust that the world will continue to spin without you holding the steering wheel. Learn to take a weekly sabbath to rest in God’s grace.

Share Your Story | Ambassadors

Pastor Reid teaches on How to Share Your Story of faith with others. It’s not that complicated at all.Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at 4.40.55 PM

Following the pattern of John 1:34-46, we see that Andrew found his brother Simon (Peter), and told him what he knew of Jesus, and brought him to Jesus. We are adapting a biblical principle of FIND, TELL, BRING to share our faith with others. You will learn to help people find and follow Jesus when you find someone you love, tell them what you know of God, and bring them along in their faith. We want your experience of sharing God with others to be a simple and friendly as that.

Listen with Care | Ambassadors

Did you know that the way you listen to other people, is a form of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with them?

Honey Sometimes we just walk all over someone’s conversation, waiting to get a word in edgewise when they take a breath, but by listening with care, we have the ability to share the love of God with others. Pastor Reid Olson shares with us some listening techniques taken from the account where Jesus walks with his disciples following the resurrection. You can learn how to listen better to others, so that the love of God is conveyed through your actions.

How To Bless, as Ambassadors

Crossroads Church of Greeley, Colorado

Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at 4.34.16 PMPastor Reid Olson of Crossroads Church of Greeley. At Crossroads Church we are learning what it means to be ambassadors for Christ. Jesus articulated the values he expected every one of his followers to possess. He made it clear that God’s Kingdom values are radically different from the values of the world. God wants His ambassadors to demonstrate humility, sorrow over sin, gentleness, a hunger for purity, a desire to relieve suffering, a devotion to peace, and a willingness to endure persecution for doing what is right. A leader who wants to follow Jesus and represent God’s attributes in the world will seek His values. Do you have these qualities? Will you be an ambassador for God in the world?

Who Is In Control? | Ambassadors

Crossroads Church of Greeley, Colorado

Pastor Reid Olson of Crossroads Church of Greeley teaches on God being in control of our lives.

ambassadorsWe often encounter people who want control over us, or want to manipulate us. Even Jesus experienced the Apostle Peter, who tried to stop Jesus’ mission of going to Jerusalem to die for the sins of the world. Did Peter really try to derail God’s plan? No. He just didn’t want Jesus to be killed. Peter, however, didn’t know the bigger plan of God for the world. We can act like this sometimes. We can get in the way of another person, or other people can get in the way of God’s mission in our lives. How do we learn to articulate our calling from God and live into the purposes of God, while letting God have control? Join us to find out.

God’s Peace in Your Life | Mindset

Pastor Reid Olson of Crossroads Church of Greeley teaches on learning to have peace from God.

sunyu-394123-unsplashPaul, the Apostle, teaches people they can have peace with God. When we are anxious, we are to give our anxiety to God through prayer petitions and offerings to God. We can learn to no longer be anxious about anything, but in everything, in every way, give your thoughts to God and He will guard your hearts and minds in God’s understanding of Peace. Wouldn’t it be nice to stop worrying about things we can’t control anyways? Wouldn’t it be something to be able to not fret over money, or time, or upcoming events? There is a way to learn the Peace of God for every situation.

Re-framing Your Thinking | Mindset

Crossroads Church of Greeley, CO

battle of the mindPastor Reid Olson of Crossroads Church of Greeley teaches on reframing your mindset to think the things of God, rather than be trapped by our own wrong habitual way of thinking. The Apostle Paul tells us to reshape our thinking, so we think the thoughts of God. We often get trapped in “stinking thinking” and get our minds all wrapped around some false way of self destruction. God wants so much more for us in Jesus. You have the capacity to re-calibrate your own thinking to get out of the ditches, and move into the space of freedom that God desires for you. Won’t you choose to elevate your thinking.